
About us



SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL HOLDING AB is registered in Sweden in 2017 with capital equaling to 2 400 000 €. Is an international, vertically integrated financial and industrial corporate group, with huge reserves of bauxite and gold.

The corporation offers various services in business development, direct and venture investments, assets management, corporate and financial restructuring, M&A, and business consulting. The corporation includes geological surveillance, development, and financial companies in Europe and Western Africa.

The status of the holding can be checked on the website of the Swedish Companies Registration Office https://snr.bolagsverket.se under the registration number 559113-0850, it is necessary to select the "Företag" category, for checking.

The holding is registered in the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) global system, It allows to identify a legal entity while performing of any type of financial transaction.
The code can be checked on the following website https://www.gleif.org , our code is: 549300GU3WB221KOYG86



The S I H AB group creates businesses and companies with high capitalization formed in large part by innovative new technologies, new companies offering professional services and intellectual products (consulting, expertise, engineering) offers assistance in restructuring, creates contemporary corporate structures using the foundation of companies with outdated business models.

S I H AB is a financial and industrial corporation. We develop and control everything from the initial phase of conceptualizing and planning the project to the moment when it is ready to start operating. We allow our partners to participate in the management process.

We are in control of our whole industrial network.


Areas of business interestDepositphotos 1981221 original

  • Planning, design, and development of private estate property, oil refineries, sea ports, and railroads.
  • Financial activities, investments.
  • Trust management.
  • Audit, valuations, and insurance.
  • Mining, geological survey.
  • Corporate restructuring and reforming.






On all stages of corporate activities, we receive independent reports from international audit companies (The big four) and each project is insured on the widely known insurance market Lloyd’s of London. It allows our partners to invest in trusted projects without losing money.

The geographical proximity of our facilities to railroads and sea ports allow us to efficiently deliver raw materials all across the globe.

Our security structure allows us to deliver precious metals such as gold directly from mines to gold refineries in Europe and other parts of the world. This flexibility and reliability provides our partners with dividends in both currency and precious metals.




In our unstable times, gold is one of the most reliable assets. The new financial crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus once again proved to the whole world that the safest method of saving your wealth is gold.

Reason to invest in gold is to protect and preserve wealth, not chase short-term gains.

You must take care of yourself, your family, and, in particular, the older generation.





Corporation in details

Holding company


Registration number: 559113-0850

VAT:SE 559113085001

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI):549300GU3WB221KOYG86


Address: S:t Knuts väg 19

211 57 MALMÖ



Subsidiaries in West Africa

V.E.P. GROUPE  SARL (100% owned by SIH AB)

Registration number: RCCM/GC – KAL/036.437A/2011

NIF: 228741773/ TVA: 2G

Address: Manque-pas Commune de Kaloum/Conakry — République de Guinée




Registration number: RCCM/GC-KAL/062.741A/2015

NIF: 592906333 / TVA: 1B

Address: Manque-pas Commune de Kaloum/Conakry — République de Guinée




Registration number: GN.TCC.2021.B.00402

NIF: 105768691

Address: Manque-pas Commune de Kaloum/Conakry — République de Guinée

Board of directors 

  • lico




    • Legal education 1997 — 2003
    • International  ROI MOHAMMED VI  University, Diploma Bank Insurance 2014 — 2017
    • Sweden Malmo Layers Certificate AML/CTF 2020

  • lico


    Partner of SIH AB

    • Finances, money management, credit 1994 — 1998
    • Mining University, economics and law 2009 — 2012
  • lico


    Regional Director in Sweden


    • Economical education 1996 — 2001
    • Lund University European Business Law 2016 - 2017
    • Leiden University International Tax Law  2015 - 2017
    • University of London English Common Law 2015 - 2017

Corporate management


SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL HOLDING employs a corporate management system that ensures equitable distribution of earnings and benefits between all shareholders and other affiliated parties.

SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL HOLDING is constantly updating the corporate management system according to the finest international practices. We are striving to keep the highest level of corporate management and transparency in our activities.


  • Specialization

    We are fully concentrated on the key competence — strategic management of the financial and industrial holding. It increases the efficiency of the company and its investment attractiveness.

  • Vertical integration

    We fully control all stages of value generation. It ensures stability and robustness towards the market volatility.
  • Joint strategic management

    We conduct joint and coherent planning and asset management to ensure stable growth of market capitalization of our company.
  • Centralization

    We centralize the management of subsidiaries to reduce managerial costs, unify business processes and technologies, and increase the efficiency of our business in general.
  • Implementation of the best international practices

    By studying the experience of our colleagues across the globe, we meticulously select the best technologies — managerial, industrial or informational. It allows us to achieve maximum efficiency.
  • Leadership-oriented

    We achieve constant improvements in our results and performance on all levels of the corporate structure and activities: quality control, productivity, product quality, spending management, labor environment, business process efficiency, and protecting the environment. We are aiming at reaching the highest result possible.
  • Professionalism

    We are professionals in everything we do!
    We are forming an environment where people can show their capabilities.
    We constantly improve our skills and knowledge and share them with colleagues.
    We set and follow high standards in work ethics and every day create value for the company.
    We are devoted to follow the requirements of executive discipline.
    We strive to reach exceptional results while using resources optimally.

  • Team work

    We are a united team. We share common goals and act only to benefit the company as a whole.
    We are convinced that only coordinated effort from the whole team and individual responsibility for the outcome are key components of effective work.
    We are always open to cooperation. We help and support each other!
    We strive to keep all communications civil and cooperative to ensure that we respect all people.
    We are attentive to opinions of people surrounding us and always open to feedback from them.
    Each of us can be sure that their colleagues will fulfill all their duties to reach the shared goal!


Our main values are life, health, and ecology

On our path to the highest business goals our main priority is human life.

We create safe labor environments.

Safety protocols of SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL HOLDING were designed and approved to reduce risks of industrial injuries at our mining facilities. The corporation continues to integrate safety methodologies and exchange knowledge between subsidiaries while directly investing in safety of workers via regular audits, trainings, and inspections. Safety rules of SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL HOLDING are imperative for each worker on each work station and must be followed all the time.

We take care of health of our workers. Wherever possible, SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL HOLDING provides medical insurance to its workers.

The corporation constantly monitors health risks that are common in Africa (such as malaria and other infectious diseases) to be able to quickly take action to reduce such risks. All our companies in these countries employ complex programs to control health risks.

Each of us carries personal responsibility for health and safety, our own and of our close ones.

We strive to manufacture products with minimal effect on the environment — it is our responsibility towards future generations.

We carefully use natural resources.

The corporation constantly works to improve its environmental protection system and strives to comply with international standards, ISO 14001 in particular.

Water is one of key resources in our sector and an important aspect in our efforts to preserve the environment. We are using full-circle utilization of water in all our processes. We do not dump water in natural water bodies. Quite the contrary, we return technical water back into the industrial cycle and add fresh water only to compensate evaporations.

We are committed to a healthy lifestyle.