About us
VEP GROUPE S.a.r.l. owns a license for mining bauxite on the territory of 226 km 2 and 29 km2 , square kilometers situated in the lands of the Republic of Guinea, Western Africa. Estimated capacity of the deposit is 216 000 000 Tons. Additional information about all currently active licenses can be obtained on the government web site http://guinee.cadastreminier.org/fr/ Technical experts from SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL HOLDING AB cooperate with the geologists from SRK Consulting on geological exploration, and also support projects at all stages of field works The work is carried out by geologists, geophysicists and other specialists of the highest qualification. People working on the project can fully focus on the technical aspects of the mineral deposits search. Upon the conclusion of currently ongoing research and analysis by SGM S.a.r.l. in terms of geological exploration, convey analysis and estimation of the economical expediency NI 43 – 101 , actively start mining and exporting bauxites. |